Sunday, July 17, 2011


Just a heads up to people who bother to read my blog- new updates coming soon (and a major revamp of my blogspot layout/eventual tumblr site) when I return from San Diego Comic Con this week! First solo flight for this barely 20 year old nerdy girl from the Midwest.

I am so excited to attend such an event and I'll be really stoked to share my experience once I take as many photos and souvenirs as I can! I even made a Zot! necklace in the event I meet Scott McCloud:

I'll also be in LA briefly to visit studios and CCS friends, so I'm currently making some handmade business cards for the visits! :D

In other news, I am working in ink and watercolors again and I'll have updates for some new works after this week. I might be working on bigger projects in the future, but that's undecided as for now (I have to show some chops first).

This trip will be spectacular in more ways than one. Bon Voyage!

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